Real Gold Coin

How RGC Maintains Stability
Real Gold Coin (RGC) is built on a foundation of stability, achieved through a combination of liquidity reinvestment and gold reserves.
45% of Earnings Reinvested into Liquidity: Every month, 45% of RGC’s earnings are reinvested into the PancakeSwap liquidity pool (BNB and RGC). This approach strengthens the trading environment, ensuring smooth transactions and minimizing price volatility.
45% of Earnings Used to Purchase Gold: An additional 45% of earnings is allocated to purchasing real gold, stored in Switzerland. These gold reserves offer a secure asset backing for RGC, providing a reliable anchor for its value.
10% for Development and Operational Costs: The remaining 10% of earnings is set aside for project improvements, operational costs, and ecosystem growth. This helps us maintain a cutting-edge, secure, and user-friendly platform for our investors.
Early Stability Commitment: In the first months, if monthly earnings are below the value of 1 gram of gold, 100% of earnings will go to liquidity reinforcement. Additionally, 1 gram of gold will be privately acquired to strengthen the foundation of RGC.